>>>When your pet is sprayed, the quicker you take action, the more completely you can remove the odor. Wash your pet with tomato juice, Massengil douch, or diluted vinegar to counteract the chemical makeup of the skunk spray. Skunk Off and similar preparations containing neutroleum alpha, available from some pet stores, are effective.
>>>Skunk Smell Remedy: 1 quart 3% peroxide, 1/4 c baking soda, 1 tbs liquid hand soap. Mix all three ingredients together. Shampoo animal thoroughly keeping out of eyes, nose and mouth. Soak 5 minutes. Rinse well.
>>>Information provided by California Center for Wildlife and the Fund for Animals.
>>Skunk Smell Remedyもトマトジュース風呂と同時に作って試したし、市販のスカンクの消臭ペットシャンプーも試したのですが、どうやらスプレーされたのが顔のようで、顔を洗剤でゴシゴシ洗うわけにはいかず、苦戦しています。